You Are Art

One of the most truthful statements I’ve ever heard: You are art.  Let’s think that thought all the way through shall we. If I am art, some will critique me.  Others will pass by me.  Some will reject me.  Only a few will love me as their own.  

See what I mean.  Truth!  

One of the most freeing and painful revelations of my life is when I was told I didn’t have to make everyone else happy.  This had been said to me before in many different ways but for whatever reason it hit me like a ton of bricks on this particular occasion.  

At first, I was like, “Why not!  I’m as amazing as the next person!  Why can’t everyone just like me!”  I realize this sounds like the outburst of a nonsensical child, and it is, but it’s how I really felt.  

It is never fun to think, “There will be people who hate me.”  No matter how healthy it sounds…it still hurts.  

After a little while though, the freedom of this thought began to sink in.  I will never have to please those people…as a matter of fact, I don’t HAVE to please anyone.  I can live my life as I see fit.  Keeping the people who build me up.  Eliminating those that tear me down.  

This is not an excuse to become a self-centered heartless person.  No, this is a breath of fresh air, this is a get out of jail free card, this is life!  The kind that can depend on nothing but you.  Happiness is now up to you…not them.  

So hang proudly on the wall, my fellow masterpieces.  Knowing that those who see you as an expression of themselves will keep coming back to gaze upon you, to be near you, to be inspired by you.  

And remember…YOU…ARE…ART.

Someone was taking down the title of an exposition--it was kismet!


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