Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas

Terribly sorry it took me sooooooooo long to get my Christmas blog out,
but better late than never! ;)

Christmas, what can you say about it.
  The beauty, the tradition, and all the love.

Happy little snowman...

Everything is cold,

The sky always looks white,

Fun decorations everywhere!

Nativity scenes,

My favorite christmas music playing softly in the backround!

Candlelight, mmmmmmm!

What would Chistmas be without the baby in the manger!
(My sweet little second cousin! Check out his mother's blog to follow this little cutie's story!)

The tree!!!

Christmas lights in and out!


Don't you just love how the lights sparkle?! Hehe!

               Gorgeous aren't they?!

And you have to have fancy christmas plates!

As you can see I had a wonderful Christmas!
It is a perfect time to work on my photography!
I think my favorite part is taking pictures of my family!
 Afterwords, I love reliving every little moment as I scroll through each one.
That's what it's really!
So if you, like me, are already missing the Christmas season look through you pictures!
Remember every belly laugh, all the surprised gasps, and every last,
"Oh you shouldnt have, I love it!"
It was a blessed Christmas!
I hope you feel the same!
Enjoy these few photos of my family!

My sweet Aunt Becca, my cousin Jess, and my second cousin little Kael!

(From left to right) My  blonde sister Heather, Sam my cousin Jess' husband, and me!

My gorgeous mother!

Funny Uncle Ruben!

Sweet Aunt Bec!

My Gran

Aren't they cute?!

Beautiful Jessi!

Silly Sam! All together now...awwwwwww!

I know! He just melts your heart doesn't he?!

So here's hoping your lights were easy to take down, your new year is merry,
and your memories aren't far from your heart!
 Love ya!


  1. Oh my goodness! Great job Sarah! ;)

  2. Sweetheart, I just saw this post. It is amazing! So beautiful and you captured the love of family and the beauty of Christmas so well. Love you so much honey!

  3. I really like reading your blog :)

    1. Awwwwww thank you!! Hopefully I'll get some more posts up soon! I appreciate the encouragement! ;)


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