My Newest Treasure, Instagram!!!!!! Part 1

This app has got it all! I love using it!
Even if the pic you use isn't that great,
Instagram instantly gives it that edge!
 Sometimes it feels like cheating,
 using an app on a phone instead of a "real camera"
 But I truly believe that no matter how you capture the moment,
 the point is that you did!
So whip out those phones and click away!

Certain affects give you different looks, like this one above gives a mysterious feel!

It's perfect for profile pics on twitter or facebook

Depending on the affect you use, you can always get the look your going for!

I love the gold that comes out in this one!

I love taking the photos that remind me of something (a day, person, etc.)
 and making them look a hundred years old, makes them that much more special, I think!

It works great on architecture!(one of my favorite things to photograph)

So for all of you who LOVE photography as much as I do,
(just so you know that's not possible *wink wink*)
Get Instagram! You wont regret it, believe me!

P.S. Be looking for part 2!
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Thanks <3


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