
The other day I was listening to a sermon on my iPod. It was about Mary and Martha and the time Jesus came over. Remember, Martha was upset that Mary wasn't helping. After all there was a lot to do! Shouldn't Mary have been helping...or should she? When Martha complained to Jesus and rebuked Mary for being "lazy" Jesus corrected her. He said, "One thing is needful, Mary has chosen it, and it won't be taken from her!" I think I get it backwards sometimes! I think "Let me get everything done first, then if I have time, I'll read my bible, and have some quiet time." When the truth is if I am empty what have I got to give!? But what I've been learning is that in His fullness my emptiness is irrelevant! And my time with Him CAN'T be taken away!
Enjoy these photos that remind me of His fullness :)

A full moon,

A rose in full bloom,

A tree in mid summer,

Gorgeous clouds,

A little girl's skirt,
(P.S. That little girl is me! I know....I'm cute!)

The biggest bouquet you've ever seen!

So I'll leave you with this thought.
 You can try and do everything by yourself or.....you can fill up on Jesus
and let him provide you with everything you need.
 He's just waiting for you to ask for His help...go ahead,
ask Him!

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Thank you!


  1. Wow! What a blessing you are to me Sarah. Talk about walking in the fullness of God. He makes my heart full with the blessing of you as my daughter. Great post!

  2. Awwwwww stop! You're making me blush! ;) ;)
    Thanks so much Mom!

  3. Love this post Sarah May and love you so much! XO


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