Strangers in Passing or Long Lost Friends?

Don't you love when this happens.  You're in a coffee shop, or an airport, or a store you don't normally shop at, or wherever, and you meet a stranger.  Somehow out of thin air, a meaningful and unexpected conversation emerges.  No pressure whatsoever exists on account there is little chance you will ever see each other again.  You share some random information about your life or your thoughts and in some way you connect with a perfect stranger and/or an unlikely friend.

Like this one time.  I was at Starbucks studying for finals when a husband and wife sat down.  At first I thought they were just friends they were goofing around so much, but later information led me to other conclusions.  I had my head down, nose stuck in a book, yet I couldn't concentrate because they are talking rather loudly (I should mention it was a busy moment for Starbucks).  Mumble, mumble, mumble...something about their coffee being splendid, and

Wife: "Will we be late for dinner?"

Husband: "No, I don't think so."

Wife: "Well, let's just not waste time."

Then the husband charmingly replied: "Time isn't wasted if you enjoyed it."
They had my complete attention at this point, though I kept my eyes on my book.

The wife let out a hearty laugh and relaxed immediately.  I have to admit I giggled myself.  The husband noticed this of course and added something to the affect of..."What we should be worried about is interrupting this young student.  I'm sure she is studying something very important."

The wife asks me:  "We aren't bothering you are we?"

I reply with a smile that came so easily: "No, not at all."

Both smile at each other and then at me.
Husband: "Well, now that we have thoroughly interrupted you, are you studying for anything in particular?

I go on to tell them both how I am studying about the very serious subject of the human survival instincts and how they relate to the Holocaust, who survived through it, who didn't, and why, etc.

We go on discussing books, authors, ideas, theories that all relate to this history paper I am trying to write.  Then as quickly as they entered my life they exited.  They gave their fond farewells and I listened to their murmurings to each other about dinner arrangements and such as they whisked their way out the door.

I went onto my laptop and immediately typed up the phrase that has stayed with me since the start of this unlikely conversation.

"Time isn't wasted if you enjoyed it." --Said some stranger sometime ago

One could say I was wasting my time.  How could it be helpful to be talking to strangers in a noisy cafe when I should be writing a paper.

The truth is these few words exchanged with these kind souls lifted my spirits.  I had found myself in a bit of a slump and some kind of writer's block when it came to my paper.  I had exhausted the sources for the piece and was losing hope of finding any more after having searched meticulously.  I didn't even get their names and I never uttered mine.  Yet, somehow when they'd stood to leave and mentioned how much they had enjoyed the chat, that small compliment did wonders for me.

After all, connection with others is a primal part of human survival...isn't it. lol

The moral of this little tale: Make friends everywhere you go.  It is more than worth the distraction.

Below: Some strangers that have crossed my path in the past.

Signing off for now...


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