Colors of the Rainbow

Hello everyone!
 I'll be going through some amazing photos (not to toot my own horn *wink wink*)
with you and talking about why I love each and every one.
Every color has something to offer in the photography world and we'll be
 going over some of them today.

Rich and clear, blues always make me want to take a deep breath of fresh air.
 Like I'm standing beside the ocean.

Happy is the word I always think of when I see green.  Reminds me of when I used to go
 barefoot on the grass in my backyard.

Purples always make me feel like I'm eight years old again. 
 They make me feel pretty.

Yellows just shine into your lens. 
 They make it easy to get the best photo ever.

 Awe...pure and amazed awe.
That's the atmosphere of creames and vanillas.

Reds are just fun!
They make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Blacks always make a picture more dramatic. 
As you can see in this photo the backround makes the picture.

If you like what your seeing so far
post this link to your facebook or twitter!


  1. I love your pretty things honey! You are one pretty girl yourself. Keep on dreaming honey! Love you! Aunt Becca


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